I carry my gun with me 95% of the time while I'm away from home, but a gun is on my body or within my reach 100% of the time while I'm at home - If someone breaks in, you've only got SECONDS to act. So if this ever happens to me, I want to be able to make the absolute most of those few seconds.
Sure, it's not that easy to carry a gun in your pajamas, but it's still possible if you want to. Some Remora Holsters, for example, don't have a clip, but they still stay in place quite well in your waistband if your elastic isn't super loose. The Betty Holster, from Looper Law Enforcement, is another IWB option that doesn't require a belt since the clip is super heavy duty. You could also try wearing something like a pair of UnderTech Concealed Carry Compression Shorts - either by themselves (if you're home alone with the curtains shut...) OR underneath your pj pants, skirt, or regular shorts. Or the Flashbang Bra Holster is yet another option that works well for some women.
One great thing about carrying at home is that you may not even need to keep your gun concealed IF your residence is private enough or you are careful enough to make sure that no-one can see in through your windows. (There are a lot of Peeping Toms out there!) Just thread on a belt with your favorite OWB (outside-the-waistband) holster and you're good to go! You could also wear a shoulder holster or something like a Smart Carry or Pistol Wear Holster (over top of your clothing) without worrying about having to put on a cover garment.
What if someone rings the doorbell while you're open carrying? You have several options to choose from - You could (1) not open your door at all, (2) remove your visible holster and go to the door unarmed, or (3) open the door with your firearm remaining visible. I don't personally like ANY of those options, so here's what I do: (4) I remove the visible holster but still take my gun with me to the door.
It's usually just the mailman or the UPS driver that rings my doorbell (so I answer the door 95% of the time someone is there!), but every single time I open my door, I make sure that my gun is either inside my waistband or right next to the door (but out of sight). I don't even let the mailman know that I'm armed since I'm very cautious about allowing anyone to see that my home contains any firearms what-so-ever.
Still don't want to carry at home, either open carry or concealed? I don't blame you - My residence is quite private, so I usually carry at home using an OWB holster. But even if I'm not carrying on-body, I still always have a gun within reach, even when I'm in the shower. I'd rather have my gun and never need it, than need it and not have it.
Now even though these gun-coasters work great for me, I'm not saying that you should leave guns laying around your house - ESPECIALLY if you have children, you leave your doors unlocked, you leave your curtains open, you have visitors coming and going, etc. You need to be safe, smart, and secure in all ways that you handle and store your firearms. If you live on a ground level where it's possible for someone to see into your home OR if you leave your curtains open during the day or night, then you would not want to be open carrying or carelessly laying firearms around the house. Sure, if a potential intruder saw that you had a gun, it might keep them from breaking in... But more than likely, it could also do the opposite, by making your house a prime target for theft if someone wants to steal your guns. It could also allow someone who's casing your house to see that you're armed and know exactly where your guns are kept - and then they could plan around that information, potentially leading to a more violent or lethal attack.
If you are a licensed (& trained) concealed carry permit holder, of course it's important for you to carry your gun with you in public, with so many unfamiliar people around - But I do think it's especially important to keep your gun nearby when you are in your own home. You NEVER know when the unexpected might happen, and I especially want to protect the place most dear to me, where my family sleeps. I always keep my doors locked, and I don't leave my pistol unattended. If for some reason my nearest gun coaster is empty, seeing that is a great visual reminder that I accidentally left my pistol in another room so I need to go and retrieve it. If you ever hear a strange sound or think you saw something that makes you pause, don't second guess yourself. Always be on your guard and arm yourself. Don't assume that you didn't hear or see anything. Always trust your gut and stay alert.
Regardless of whether or not you personally decide to carry a gun with you in your own home, one thing is for certain. If someone breaks into my home like they did in this video, they're going to regret their decision.
good advice!
I have always had a problem with the people who tell their story starting with I heard a strange noise on the front porch, so I went up stairs, open the safe and took out my hand gun and loaded an mag into it and went back down stairs.
There is always a Ruger P95 on my hip when I am at home.
I too always have a gun at least, in arms reach when I am home. But like you I am usually carrying on my hip.
Great article and suggestions. That unfortunate video clearly shows why it is so important to keep your guard up even inside your own home (not just firearms, either; alarms, good locks/doors/windows, DOGS etc.) I keep a Sig P290RS on my person or within arms reach 100 percent of the time while at home. I didn't until I looked up from pressure washing the front patio to find a sheriff's deputy standing in front of me one morning, and I realized that he could just as easily have been the druggie he told me he was looking for. In our area, break-ins are more common than any other type of criminal situation that might necessitate the defensive use of a firearm. Based on that, something is much more likely to happen to me in/near my home than anywhere else. I live remotely, so I usually carry in a passive OWB holster and cover up when necessary. When you have a smaller backup/concealment pistol like a Ruger LC9, S&W Shield, Sig P290RS, etc. it's really not much worse than carrying a cell phone or camera on your person. What's a few more hours a day?
I think crucifixion should be brought back for people like that man in the video. What a coward beating on that defenseless woman. Certainly a case in point for learning self-defense and arming oneself, or get a couple of big dogs.
Here in Italy we are not allowed to carry (permits are impossible to obtain) but You can have guns for sporting and hunting purposes and You can use them for home defense.
Since I have no holster, usually when I am at home I always have my CZ SP01 near me or my 12-Gauge Fabarm ultrashort. Home invasions are quite common even in Europe, so no point in being caught unprepared ;)
Glad to hear that most of you stay armed in your own homes as well. Thanks for the comments!
weatherweary68 - very well said
Imprecunious - Yes, dogs are great alarms. My pups Tika & Sako help me keep my guard up at all times while I'm home.
Anon - Thanks for finding your way to my blog! I commented back to your message on my facebook & really appreciate hearing your firearms input from Italy
Great review, preparedness and situational awareness are a way of life not a one off exercise. Love the new site.
Peter - Thanks!
I like the coaster idea for the guns. I don't like for my guns to get any unnecessary scratches on them either. Great article.
Great blog, Falia. I too am always armed both away and at home. THis attack caught on nanny cam made me physically ill and like you, if someone picks my house for this type of attack...yes, they may get a few punches in, but they'll also be eating a number of 9mm hollow points.
Kevin - thanks!
Colleene - yes, this video just made me sick. Luckily in this case, the attacker was recently caught due to the camera recording.
Great article,
The only comment I have, is I appreciate concealed carry, but i don't go to huge lengths to conceal a gun at home. my home is my castle, I wear it openly at the house, it's just easier.
I couldn't agree more.
I put my gun on when I dress in the morning, and take it off when I undress to get in bed. I have been called paranoid, but for me it is simple math.
The odds of being attacked on a given day may be very low, but the odds of being attacked in my lifetime are very high (one study puts it at 80%). When will I be attacked? Well that is the rub; people are attacked not where it is expected, but when it isn't. The best way to ensure I have a gun when it is needed to protect my family or myself is to have it all the time, or at least as often as possible.
Erik - I open carry at home too, because it's way easier like you said. I'm just still very cautious about who can see that I'm carrying (neighbors, visitors, delivery drivers, passerbys, etc)
David - I said it earlier to someone else, but you deserve it too - "well said!"
I have guns positioned in various hidden, quick, easy-access spots all over my house. I even have a magnet hinged picture on my stair well wall with a gun cubby behind it. So, if someone forces my wife up the stairs, all it takes is a quick back kick to the intruder down the stairs and she instantly has a gun while the intruder is on their ass at the bottom of the stairs. I even have a spring-loaded floor trim board with a gun. Just like the intrusion video on this blog. Notice how many times the women was thrown to the floor? You'd be surprised how very easy it is to create hiding place like these around your home for your guns. Just make darn sure your kids cannot access them. I do not have kids so I have nothing to worry about.
That's because it was New Jersey. Here's how the same thing goes down in Texas:
Anon - nice!
Another good reason to carry at home is so you can get used to carrying so that it becomes part of you without you noticing it. Folks that carry intermittently often have a bad habit of unwittingly broadcasting they are carrying concealed..for instance, they may unknowingly touch it, they drag their arm over it. Its a "cop" thing, but when I'm bored and watching others, I make it a game to see how many are "packing"...
Anon - I agree, wearing it around at home is a great way to get used to carrying
Great article. Have you gone back to the M&P Compact? I thought you made the switch to the Shield.
Joe S
Joe - The Shield is easier for me to conceal, so I carry it when I'm away from home. The M&P9C is a home defense pistol for me now (and also a winter-time carry gun)
I love your blog and videos. My parents always had guns but I didn't until a home invasion last year. No injuries but it could have happened. My husband and I both have firearms now and I endlessly watched your videos to gain confidence in concealed carry. You are my inspiration! Thank you. BTW, I own 3 guns now and LOVE the range!
Great blog, the information is right on and timely! Keep up the good work and pat the Pups.
iPacpink - thank you so much! I'm so happy to hear that. What 3 guns did you choose (so far)? :)
Jerry - thanks! I appreciate it.
Watching the Video made me sick. You wished at one point she would pull out a gun and just shot him.
Matthew - Very hard to watch. It's hard to believe that things like this even happen, and it's also a very real reminder for why it's important to stay armed at home.
Hi Falia,
So far I bought the Smith & Wesson SD9VE, then a Diamond Back DB9. I just picked up the Glock19 gen4 this week but haven't taken it to the range yet (working) . I have to admit I like the SV9 the best. The grip & weight are comfortable and I shoot well with it. My husband liked and picked the DB9's.
Excellent advise...I always have one on my hip in the house...it goes everywhere I go, including the shower...well, not IN the shower, but within arms reach, just beyond the curtain..when Im home, I have the 3 gun rule, which means, there is one on my body at all times, but as Im milling around the house, there is a remington 870 tactical with all the magpul stuff and a fully loaded M-4 within 5 seconds of wherever I am..usually the rifle stays in the living room and the shotgun stays in the bedroom...when I turn in at night, all 3 are in my bedroom...When I go to friend's houses, I always get their permission first, but all of my friends know and they have no issues with me carrying in their car or residence...My old army buddy asked me shortly before christmas, "Do you ever take that thing off?" 3 days later someone kicked his front door in and robbed him blind...both he and his wife now have permits to carry and are soon going through my 2 day combat handgunning course...People dont realize how many homes are invaded every day..why would you ever put your gun away in the lock box in your upstairs closet when you get home? You never know..and Im showing some of your videos to my buddy's wife..she has an LCR and he has an LC9...she's a bit on the feminine side, as in hair and makeup and style, and Im sure she will get a kick out of your 'carry a gun, but look your best in the process' approach. Keep the videos and reviews coming!
Redbeard - :) You sound like me, with my Remington 870, my AR, and my handguns around the house. My daily carry gun goes with me right outside the shower as well - and I also have a clear glass shower stall in one bathroom and a clear shower curtain in the other so I can always see my surroundings. Thanks for the comment and also for sharing my vids. I'm glad to hear that your friends now have their permits & are training! I'm not happy they got robbed, but at least it has led them to start getting more prepared for bad situations that could occur in the future.
Im fortunate enough to live in a decent area compared to lets say chicago or DC..But as crime gets worse it spreads from population centers into rural areas..I grew up in interior alaska which has its share of the big city crime, but it seems the biggest thing now is people coming into your home and stealing everything you have..I got a report of a family near atlanta that, while on vacation, had a moving truck pull up, pack everything they owned and left...nobody ever knew what was going on...criminals, like convicts, are some of the most creative individuals around. I spent half a decade in Iraq and afghanistan, where I picked up the name redbeard, and I have seen the worst things humans do to eachother. It has landed on our shores unfortunately. I dont understand why, we that defend, are so villified in the media. So what if I sleep with 3 guns? Id rather sleep with 50 guns, but my bed isnt big enough. And what Ive run into waaaay too much lately is the stereotypes. They see White Guy + Been in Iraq + no family + dislikes the government + has a gun and really knows how to use them and that all equals Our next mall shooter or workplace massacre. They, the sheep that refuse to defend themselves, will always dislike us, because humans always fear what they dont understand. But I guarantee one thing..if they ever need me to take a life or to lay down my life for their sake I would do it gladly and without hesitation. Sheep versus the sheep dog. defender or defended. Either way, we will never be liked, but neither was patton. In closing, I would just like to say, "Militia," as defined in the bill of rights is 'An armed body, of competent citizens who can be called apon to act as a military force or augment a military force in a time of great domestic crisis.' wouldnt you agree that that great crisis is now? Feel proud that you've answered the call to defend! Redbeard out!
Redbeard - Well Said!!!
Thank you very much, my diligent Sister-in-Arms!
hmmm....I sense someone, as in the well dressed, poorly educated fool in the suit with the 6 figure salary, has no clue...your thoughts?
Redbeard - so many uneducated people... I just don't understand where people like that get their mindset.
After they moved Chicago's Hud housing (Cabrini Green and Robert Taylor Homes) to NW Indiana about 5 miles from our home, I decided to arm and train both myself and my wife. Even though she isn't convinced that we are in immanent danger, I have started to carry daily and as well in the house. We do have 4 dogs and that does give some piece of mind, I still want that extra assurance if someone does decide to break into the house.
Anon - Good for you, Wise Decision
I do agree I carry at home my self this is a dangerous world and you never know what will happen
I know having a gun is very important in this day and age.
Regardless of a sophisticated home security system, you can never be sure burglars won’t find their way around the system and into your home. Similarly, you never know when you will be a victim of highjacking. Carrying a gun is necessary, but I find it easier if I have a holster. This is a great article. Thanks for sharing your experiences, and why a gun owner needs a concealed carry. The following post offers useful info on shoulder holsters: http://survival-mastery.com/diy/weapons/best-shoulder-holster.html
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